Welcome to Deanna Thornton Holistic Wellness

Deanna Thornton Fitness is becoming...

Deanna Thornton Holistic Wellness!

Over the years my love of nutrition has continued to grow, as have my certifications and continuing education. I've recently completed the Functional Nutrition Certificate program at Portland Community College, with next steps to become Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition through NANP and will be opening my wellness practice this month! I'm excited to combine my years of fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle experience into a practice that goes Beyond The Plate to help women transitioning through perimenopause to feel their best!


Experience how much nutrition and lifestyle can change how you feel by joining the newsletter link below! Each month you'll receive a NEW 7 Day Meal Plan focused on relieving symptoms commonly experienced in the perimenopause transition, along with lifestyle and fitness tips.

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8/18/22 Nutrition Happy Hour Replay

mindset nutrition Aug 18, 2022

Nutrition Happy Hour - where we talk about all kinds of food related topics!

Tonight's Topic: Food Lists for Portion Fix and 2B Mindset, Reading Food Labels.

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Start Stop Continue

mindset Jan 28, 2021

I love to simplify anything I can, and when I heard this idea I knew I had to share it with you so you can put it into action too!  We're nearing the end of a month, so it's a great time to reflect on what's working, and think about what we can shift.


Here's how it works:

Get a sheet of paper or open your journal.

Write three categories: Start, Stop, and Continue

Now write out your thoughts:

Start - What do you want to start? This can be big or small, short term or long term, anything you want to start now.

Stop - What do you want to stop? Things holding you back or getting in the way of your progress.

Continue - What is working, let's keep it going! It's so important to recognize what's going well, be proud of it, and keep it going.


Check out the video for specific ideas around each category.  And if you're ready to do more with your fitness or nutrition, I have a new group starting Monday! Email or comment to get the details.

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Stress/Emotional Eating?! Start Here

mindset nutrition Oct 22, 2020

Every Thursday night I host a Nutrition Happy Hour to connect live with clients and talk through nutrition struggles.  It's a great time to work on specific issues, talk through solutions, and encourage everyone that this is completely normal, yet changeable if you want it to be. This is just one of the many benefits of being a part of my groups, and it's a huge benefit to be able to talk specifically about the concerns/struggles you're having in order to change them.  Nutrition isn't one size fits all, come join us to see what it's all about!

Tonight's topic is Stress/Emotional Eating, it's a big one for so many people! It can feel like you can never conquer stress/emotional eating, but when you take it in small steps, give yourself grace, and keep working toward the goal - change will come.  Part of changing this habit is first realizing when it happens. You'll be looking for the emotion or situation that leads you to want to overeat, binge, comfort yourself,...

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It's ok to be a beginner!

mindset Oct 01, 2020

It's funny, I think as adults we assume we should just know how to do things we haven't done before. We don't expect our kids to know, we treat them like beginners, encouraging them to practice, continue trying until they get better. Maybe it's time we do the same! Check out today's video about how being a beginner is the only way to being an expert.

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Quit listening to your bull$hit excuses!

mindset Aug 20, 2020

I know, it sounds a little harsh, but how many times have you told yourself you can't for one reason or another?  It's literally what's stopping you from hitting your goals.


In today's video we talk about how to stop the excuse mindset and move to a I can, I am mindset! As always, I'd love to hear your feedback on the video, so comment below and tell me what you think, if it worked for you, or if you need more detail!

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WHY am I eating this?

mindset nutrition Jun 17, 2020

Today you get to bring out your inner toddler and ask yourself WHY? a million times! Sounds fun right?! Here's the thing, if you observe why you are making choices, it's a lot easier to change the habit and make a different choice than if you aren't noticing when you are making these choices. Maybe you noticed I used the word "observe", that's because I want to you think of yourself as a bystander, no judgement on whether your actions are good or bad, just simply observing what you are doing. It's important to see the action, note why you're doing it, and then make a choice of whether to continue or change it.  More details in the video!

So....pull up your big girl pants, and let's ask the question!  

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Gah, I don't want to workout...

fitness mindset May 20, 2020

You're not going to feel like working out everyday, there are going to be days where you feel like a turtle walking through peanut butter.  It's normal! What you can do is work on your daily habit of exercise to get the workout done anyway, even if it's a half-assed workout, you'll have done it!  Creating these habits are critical in a long term fit lifestyle, which means reaching and maintaining your goals. BONUS, you'll feel better after the workout, and glad you pushed through to get it done.  So what are you waiting for, go get that workout in!


3 Simple Tips to Getting it Done:

1. Make it a non negotiable appointment in your calendar, you wouldn't miss a meeting with your boss, don't miss this meeting either! You could even set a reminder alarm.

2. Lay your workout clothes right where you walk when you get up in the morning! Put them on and they don't come off until the workout is done!

3. Still not feeling it?! Put on your favorite playlist or song, and...

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