Stress/Emotional Eating?! Start Here

mindset nutrition Oct 22, 2020

Every Thursday night I host a Nutrition Happy Hour to connect live with clients and talk through nutrition struggles.  It's a great time to work on specific issues, talk through solutions, and encourage everyone that this is completely normal, yet changeable if you want it to be. This is just one of the many benefits of being a part of my groups, and it's a huge benefit to be able to talk specifically about the concerns/struggles you're having in order to change them.  Nutrition isn't one size fits all, come join us to see what it's all about!

Tonight's topic is Stress/Emotional Eating, it's a big one for so many people! It can feel like you can never conquer stress/emotional eating, but when you take it in small steps, give yourself grace, and keep working toward the goal - change will come.  Part of changing this habit is first realizing when it happens. You'll be looking for the emotion or situation that leads you to want to overeat, binge, comfort yourself, so that you can identify what's called the cue to your habit.

This is step one, and it will take some effort to change the habit/mindset, but it's so worth it! I encourage you to take this first step along with joining our November group to really go all in on a full fitness/nutrition program, you'll have everything you need and most important the support to make changes for the long term. Watch the video above, and then message me to get started!


50% Complete

Two Step

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