Work with Me


Nutrition habits can make a big difference in how you feel. We'll look at your current diet and eating patterns, to create swaps, shifts and habits that fit your life


If you've recently had labs done, or would like to have them, they can help us to see areas of need in your nutrition plan.


Together we'll looks at lifestyle shifts that can help you with your goals and feeling your best.


Movement can help us in all areas of our life. We'll work together to find movement that a good fit for you.

What's included?

With my 4 month package you'll have everything you need:

  • 60-90 min Introductory section where we'll discuss current concerns, review your intake, food log and any current bloodwork.
  • 4 30-60 minute sessions to continue progress, review goals, and answer questions.
  • Unlimited messaging during the 4 months.
  • 1 week Meal Plan or 30 recipe collection personalized to your nutrition needs, and help to continue creating meal plans that work best for you.
Schedule a 15 min Discovery Call

50% Complete

Two Step

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