Welcome to Deanna Thornton Holistic Wellness

Deanna Thornton Fitness is becoming...

Deanna Thornton Holistic Wellness!

Over the years my love of nutrition has continued to grow, as have my certifications and continuing education. I've recently completed the Functional Nutrition Certificate program at Portland Community College, with next steps to become Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition through NANP and will be opening my wellness practice this month! I'm excited to combine my years of fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle experience into a practice that goes Beyond The Plate to help women transitioning through perimenopause to feel their best!


Experience how much nutrition and lifestyle can change how you feel by joining the newsletter link below! Each month you'll receive a NEW 7 Day Meal Plan focused on relieving symptoms commonly experienced in the perimenopause transition, along with lifestyle and fitness tips.

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No weights Quad Burner Exercise

fitness Nov 05, 2020

Need to feel a little fire in your quads, this is just the move! And no weight required to feel all the burn. Add this move into your leg day!

Start with 30 seconds on each side, times two. Make sure you're keeping the weight in the heel of the forward foot, light pressure in the back foot (for balance). Modify by not going as deep into the squat.

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5 Abs+Booty Moves to Add into Your Routine

fitness Oct 07, 2020
We all want tight abs and booty, but having a strong core is more than vanity, it's critical to all your other exercises!  When you have strong abs and booty muscles (we'll refer to this as your core area), it allows you to support the body during your exercises so that you can isolate, strengthen, and build in the areas you're working.  If your core is not able to support you, then as you're exercising another muscle will step in to help, many times it's the lower back. This can lead to lower back pain and injury, ouch! So stay safe by keeping good form, and strengthening those abs and booty!
Abs+Booty Workout:
✅ 1 minute bicycles (touch feet to floor for modification)
✅ 1 minute alternating heal touches
✅ 30 seconds each side leg lift on all fours
✅ 30 seconds each side leg lift crossover
✅ 1 minute plank jacks (move one leg to the side at a time while in plank for modification)
Repeat 2 or 3 times 👊🏻
⚠️ Please make sure you are holding your abs in for...
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Gah, I don't want to workout...

fitness mindset May 20, 2020

You're not going to feel like working out everyday, there are going to be days where you feel like a turtle walking through peanut butter.  It's normal! What you can do is work on your daily habit of exercise to get the workout done anyway, even if it's a half-assed workout, you'll have done it!  Creating these habits are critical in a long term fit lifestyle, which means reaching and maintaining your goals. BONUS, you'll feel better after the workout, and glad you pushed through to get it done.  So what are you waiting for, go get that workout in!


3 Simple Tips to Getting it Done:

1. Make it a non negotiable appointment in your calendar, you wouldn't miss a meeting with your boss, don't miss this meeting either! You could even set a reminder alarm.

2. Lay your workout clothes right where you walk when you get up in the morning! Put them on and they don't come off until the workout is done!

3. Still not feeling it?! Put on your favorite playlist or song, and...

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