5 Abs+Booty Moves to Add into Your Routine

fitness Oct 07, 2020
We all want tight abs and booty, but having a strong core is more than vanity, it's critical to all your other exercises!  When you have strong abs and booty muscles (we'll refer to this as your core area), it allows you to support the body during your exercises so that you can isolate, strengthen, and build in the areas you're working.  If your core is not able to support you, then as you're exercising another muscle will step in to help, many times it's the lower back. This can lead to lower back pain and injury, ouch! So stay safe by keeping good form, and strengthening those abs and booty!
Abs+Booty Workout:
✅ 1 minute bicycles (touch feet to floor for modification)
✅ 1 minute alternating heal touches
✅ 30 seconds each side leg lift on all fours
✅ 30 seconds each side leg lift crossover
✅ 1 minute plank jacks (move one leg to the side at a time while in plank for modification)
Repeat 2 or 3 times 👊🏻
⚠️ Please make sure you are holding your abs in for all moves and not arching your back (tilting your pelvis to a neutral position), to protect the lower back.

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