Start Stop Continue

mindset Jan 28, 2021

I love to simplify anything I can, and when I heard this idea I knew I had to share it with you so you can put it into action too!  We're nearing the end of a month, so it's a great time to reflect on what's working, and think about what we can shift.


Here's how it works:

Get a sheet of paper or open your journal.

Write three categories: Start, Stop, and Continue

Now write out your thoughts:

Start - What do you want to start? This can be big or small, short term or long term, anything you want to start now.

Stop - What do you want to stop? Things holding you back or getting in the way of your progress.

Continue - What is working, let's keep it going! It's so important to recognize what's going well, be proud of it, and keep it going.


Check out the video for specific ideas around each category.  And if you're ready to do more with your fitness or nutrition, I have a new group starting Monday! Email or comment to get the details.


50% Complete

Two Step

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