August Meal Prep Class Replay

nutrition Aug 05, 2021

August Meal Prep Class


On the Menu:

Vanilla Yogurt Bowl: This recipe is for 1 serving, so modify according to how many servings you need.


White Bean and Roasted Red Pepper Hummus:


Tropical Salad with Mango, Avocado and Chicken: This recipe is for 1 serving, and calls for cooked chicken, you can either cook prior to the class or grill after and add to the salad.


Grilled Pork Chops with Peach and Jalapeño Salsa:


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July Meal Prep Class Replay

nutrition Jul 18, 2021

Ready for a quick summertime meal prep? These delicious recipes will become part of your favorites! 

On the Menu:

Coffee Cake Overnight Oats: This recipe is for 1 serving (2 Yellows) so we can double to get 2-4 servings. 

Grilled Veggie Quesadillas: We will prep/grill the veggies to use in quesadillas through the week.

Spinach Salad with Quinoa, Chickpeas and Paprika Dressing: Serves 12, so you may want to cut the recipe in half.

Grilled Dijon Chicken: Serves 2 so you may want to double.




Join the next Meal Prep Live - August 1st @ 11am PST, click the link to register:

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Rocket Pops Only Better

nutrition Jul 02, 2021

Remember the rocket pops we'd have on those hot summer days in July? Yum! There are lots of great memories from food, and now you can re-create them with better, more nutritious ingredients, without losing the flavor!


Sometimes we think everything has to change, or we no longer get the foods we love when we start a nutrition plan, but that's just not the case! You can work in those favorite things, modify them with better ingredients, and still get to your goals of better nutrition.  This is just one example, and a delicious one!


Cool off this summer with a favorite recipe from the Fixate Recipes in Beachbody On Demand.

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Meal Planning Info

nutrition Nov 12, 2020

Maybe you've been putting off the whole idea of meal planning because you think you don't have time, or it's just too complicated? Today's video is all about where to start and how to get started with meal planning.  

Meal planning should make your life easier in the long run by creating habits that work for you and your goals. It's important to meal plan in a way that fits into your lifestyle, and in a way that's doable. It doesn't make sense to create extra stress by adopting an all or nothing type plan, so give yourself grace as go through this process knowing it's ok to be a beginner, and you will get better!

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Thai Meatballs with Red Curry over Cauliflower Medley

nutrition Oct 29, 2020

It's that time of year where the comfort foods come back into rotation and the warmth of a saucy dish is perfect for a cool fall day.  I love this recipe, not only because you can add a ton of veggies, but also for the satisfying flavor. Yum! Let's get started!


Thai Meatballs with Red Curry


2 lbs. ground turkey

1 medium zucchini grated and squeezed

1 T minced garlic

1 T minced ginger

1/4 cup chopped green onions and/or cilantro

1 tsp fish sauce

1-2 tsp Sriracha, chili paste or red curry paste (optional)

Salt/Pepper to taste


Red Curry Sauce:

1-2 tsp red curry paste (more if you like it spicy)

1 1/2 cups coconut milk

1 tsp fish sauce

3 T tomato paste

Squeeze of lime juice (optional)


Cauliflower Rice Medley:

Saute frozen cauliflower rice with onion, carrots, celery, or whatever veggies you have in your frig, also great with peppers and snap peas.


Combine turkey meatball ingredients and make into golf ball size meatballs.  Add to a hot...

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Stress/Emotional Eating?! Start Here

mindset nutrition Oct 22, 2020

Every Thursday night I host a Nutrition Happy Hour to connect live with clients and talk through nutrition struggles.  It's a great time to work on specific issues, talk through solutions, and encourage everyone that this is completely normal, yet changeable if you want it to be. This is just one of the many benefits of being a part of my groups, and it's a huge benefit to be able to talk specifically about the concerns/struggles you're having in order to change them.  Nutrition isn't one size fits all, come join us to see what it's all about!

Tonight's topic is Stress/Emotional Eating, it's a big one for so many people! It can feel like you can never conquer stress/emotional eating, but when you take it in small steps, give yourself grace, and keep working toward the goal - change will come.  Part of changing this habit is first realizing when it happens. You'll be looking for the emotion or situation that leads you to want to overeat, binge, comfort yourself,...

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Got Cravings?!

nutrition Sep 09, 2020

Yeah, I do too!  I wish I could say that cravings no longer exist after you start eating better and exercising, but we all know that's not happening! It does get better, and you crave more quality foods, but you also learn better tools to deal with cravings.  Let's get started with the basics, check out the three ways you can handle you cravings in today's video! Spoiler Alert - the answer is not always no!

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Overeating? Start here!

nutrition Sep 03, 2020

Overeating is definitely a general term that can encompass so many different actions, so where do you start? How do you figure out the first step in not overeating?

Check out today's video, and then comment below to let me know more about your overeating.

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Simple Mediterranean Salad

nutrition Aug 19, 2020

It's summer, which means hot weather and no desire to cook! But it also means delicious, farm fresh veggies! This salad is the BEST of both, it comes together fast and is so tasty you may make it a few times this week.


Mediterranean Salad

Squeeze of Lemon Juice

Olive Oil

1/2 cup sliced cucumber

1/2 cup halved grape tomatoes, or medium tomato sliced

1/4 bell pepper thin sliced (red, orange or yellow)

1 tsp fresh oregano chopped

1/4 cup crumbled feta

sliced red onion (optional)


Slice up all your veggies, add to a bowl. Squeeze part of a half of lemon to taste, a quick squirt or pour of olive oil (1 tsp or so), oregano, salt/pepper to taste. Mix, determine if it needs more lemon juice. Top with feta. Serves 1.


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WHY am I eating this?

mindset nutrition Jun 17, 2020

Today you get to bring out your inner toddler and ask yourself WHY? a million times! Sounds fun right?! Here's the thing, if you observe why you are making choices, it's a lot easier to change the habit and make a different choice than if you aren't noticing when you are making these choices. Maybe you noticed I used the word "observe", that's because I want to you think of yourself as a bystander, no judgement on whether your actions are good or bad, just simply observing what you are doing. It's important to see the action, note why you're doing it, and then make a choice of whether to continue or change it.  More details in the video!

So....pull up your big girl pants, and let's ask the question!  

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