July Meal Prep Class Replay

nutrition Jul 18, 2021

Ready for a quick summertime meal prep? These delicious recipes will become part of your favorites! 

On the Menu:

➡️Coffee Cake Overnight Oats: This recipe is for 1 serving (2 Yellows) so we can double to get 2-4 servings.


➡️ Grilled Veggie Quesadillas: We will prep/grill the veggies to use in quesadillas through the week.


➡️ Spinach Salad with Quinoa, Chickpeas and Paprika Dressing: Serves 12, so you may want to cut the recipe in half.


➡️ Grilled Dijon Chicken: Serves 2 so you may want to double.





Join the next Meal Prep Live - August 1st @ 11am PST, click the link to register: 



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