Meet Deanna

Welcome to Deanna Thornton Fitness! I'll be honest, as a child it never crossed my mind that I would be a personal trainer, fitness coach or nutrition coach, but here I am living my best life while helping others live theirs. It all start about a decade ago when I decided enough was enough and I was going to lose weight. Slowly, through nutrition changes and adding in some exercise, I lost 45 lbs! 

As I worked to maintain this weight loss, I realized the maintenance phase is definitely the hardest.  I wanted to learn more about fitness, take more control of my eating habits through better nutrition and actually get in shape.  I loved the idea of "I don't want to look skinny, I want to look like I could kick your ass"! I started with a challenge group, a 21 day fitness and nutrition program and the will to do it no matter what. It was the best decision I've made for my health and fitness! It changed how I felt about my body, reminded me that I can do what I set my mind to, and that we can do hard things.  The funny thing is, coaching doesn't feel hard, it feels amazing to help other women find the freedom with food, love the skin their in and feel unstoppable. It's the best part of my day!

Enough about me! Tell me about you, and how I can help you on your fitness/nutrition journey.


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