What does your goal really look like?!

Uncategorized May 27, 2020

It's easy to say I want abs, but what does that really means and what are you willing to do to achieve it?  

It's important to really dive into what you're willing to do to achieve your goal, and what you think that work looks like in order to quantify the changes that need to be made.

Just saying I want to be fit, is like saying I want a car. What kind of car do you want?

  • Should it have 4 doors or 2?
  • Good gas mileage?
  • Leather or cloth seats? 

Same with your fitness! What do you want to look like? Do you want to run a marathon or a 5k? How much time do you want to spend on your fitness? How strict do you want your nutrition plan? Do you still want to have alcohol or sweets?


These are all things to think about in creating you goal, and more important, your plan to get to your goal. So, what's your goal and how do you want it to look and feel?



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