Simple Mediterranean Salad

nutrition Aug 19, 2020

It's summer, which means hot weather and no desire to cook! But it also means delicious, farm fresh veggies! This salad is the BEST of both, it comes together fast and is so tasty you may make it a few times this week.


Mediterranean Salad

Squeeze of Lemon Juice

Olive Oil

1/2 cup sliced cucumber

1/2 cup halved grape tomatoes, or medium tomato sliced

1/4 bell pepper thin sliced (red, orange or yellow)

1 tsp fresh oregano chopped

1/4 cup crumbled feta

sliced red onion (optional)


Slice up all your veggies, add to a bowl. Squeeze part of a half of lemon to taste, a quick squirt or pour of olive oil (1 tsp or so), oregano, salt/pepper to taste. Mix, determine if it needs more lemon juice. Top with feta. Serves 1.



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