Grocery Shopping Tips

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2020

Whether you love it or hate it, you still have to eat! So let's take a look at these grocery tips that really help keep your nutrition on track!


Grocery Shopping Tips

  • Stick to the perimeter of the store, that’s where you find the fresh produce, meats and dairy. Only go into the middle aisles for things on the list, not wandering looking for ideas!
  • Only shop for what’s on the list, this helps you avoid impulse buys! 
  • In season foods are generally on sale, and more flavorful since they likely didn’t have to travel as far as out of season produce. Also consider your local farmer's markets for delicious in season foods. 
  • Have a mix of eat now, eat later foods. Fresh, frozen, canned, have a base of items you can pull from as needed so you always have food options that meet your goals.
  • Don’t shop hungry, you’re more likely to grab items not on the list!
  • Try online ordering to only get the things you need.

How do you shop? Did you change your shopping methods with the corona virus shutdown? 


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