April Meal Prep Class Replay

nutrition recipe Apr 16, 2023

April Meal Prep Class

4/16/23 11am PST/2pm EST


Chocolate Nice Cream:

I have found the holy grail of desserts, this is a red and a green! This will be great with lots of Shakeology flavors, feel free to try a what you have on hand. Don’t forget to put your zucchini in the freezer 2 hours before class!



Healthier Chicken Parmesan: 

Great served with veggie noodles and leftover sauce.



Rice Salad with Red Cabbage and Chicken:

Great for using up leftover chicken. This recipe does call for cooked chicken, if you want to have it already cooked before class.



Join the next May 7th Meal Prep Class HERE!


50% Complete

Two Step

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